We need to be able to report our mates in BG Duo

Please make this happen!

I was just in a game with someone who spam pinged every decision I should make from my starting hero onwards. I pinged back their board with X, hoping they would get the message. They did not, so I ignored them and also did not send them minions, deciding I would only do so once they stopped their behaviour. When it stopped, I discovered in the next fight that they had sold their whole board, but I won anyways. They then played a board again and started pinging again and send me a late-game minion that I did not play because it did not (yet) fit my board. They were playing demons and we were at 3 life and they decided to kill us at this point.

Iā€™m 6k - 7k atm and this is ridiculous. Though I have to admit pinging them back usually got the message across and we could start playing together after 4-5 rounds when they became more chill. But this person was hardcore griefing.

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I definitely agree. Trying to control the game for the other player - or bully the other person to play what you want - not cool. I hate that and usually means the end of the road for me.

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