We need to be able to report our mates in BG Duo

I have just played Battlegrounds Duo with a player that, mid-game, just sold all his board and inflicted us damage to end the game faster. As he was my mate, I cannot report him ingame (which is weird and should be changed). The game ended about 5 minutes ago and the player’s name was Lyudmila.
Thanks for taking action on this.
Best regards


Agree. You can report a player in Overwatch but not in HS. Why? It is so much more obvious in HS when players are griefing.


The current system incentivizes that kind of behaviour, since it punishes you for conceding, if for whatever reason you don’t want to play out the game.

They need to add in reporting, mate or not. Fed up with people AFKing in Duos and then coming back 2 or 3 rounds later, or just straight up leaving.

One person kept missing every other round so I thought stuff it and sold my whole warband… if I’d conceded I’d have been penalised, imho I think it’s better to throw the win than lose my ranking because of slackers.


Floors add to the problem. Players know they cannot drop below eg 4k. So if you are going for 4.5k and your team mate is on 4k then you are stuck with someone who could not care about losing.

They leave on a whim and you get stuck with 80+ ranking loss.

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Sometimes you get matched with an unfit partner. I’ve had so many games ruined by a bully who tries to dominate the game by forcing you bad instructions every round. I’m honest I swear I’ll start making coffee next time this happens and leave the game roll on its own.

Bullies are players who are trying to decide which class or tactics to play and when you try to play your own plan they start passing you minions they think would suit you best even when you have not yet asked for anything. They have no idea what it is that I’m going for but think that their way of playing is the only possible way. Usually they put several marks on my minions every round and tell me to sell minions that are crucial for my late game.

And then are the players who decide from the first two minions on my board that those are the minions I’m looking for and they start passing minions of that class or start collecting me triples for some reason. Which is annoying because they’re just wasting their gold for nothing.

If either one of these scenarios happens I feel that there’s a huge misconnection between me and my partner and the game becomes a slack.

I wanted to write this in here in case someone might get a hint from this. There’s just no way (in this game or in real life) that bullying others into doing things your way would ever be okay. Trust the other player because in theory you are ranked the same and they probably know what they’re trying to achieve.


I confirm that you are correct.

As a rule I never tell my team mate which hero to play. They will pick the hero that they feel is the best.

Same with minion types. Players feel that they are better witch certain tribes. Personally I tend to steer clear of Nagas. I just can’t get the combos right.

What they should do is make it so you can blacklist your random mate so you never get put with them again. This works great because then the reason people sell their board is because they are playing with a rubbish player, bully or troll

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There should be no MMR loss if this happens with a random player. :thinking:

If you abandon your partner in Duos before Top 2, you will get an MMR penalty.
If you get abandoned, there should be a notification letting you know you can leave and you will not lose MMR at all.

Note: MMR protection is on only if you are paired randomly. If I join with a friend and they abandon me, my MMR will be impacted.

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Can we get input on the topic of people selling their board to throw the game? Players who sell everything and leaves a blank board to force a loss should be automatically penalized both MMR and queue timer. They are the epitome of disrespectful and unsportsmanlike gameplay.


I saw this yesterday. It started with comm spam then after they saw that the game wasn’t being played the way they demanded they sold their board and sat idle for half the game.

There should definitely be a report feature.


Players that simply grief or go afk are not punished and the teammate stuck with them suffers the 4th place loss penalty. Until grief detection and reporting is implemented, the teammate attempting to actually play is the only person being punished in 100% of games. This is what kills a game and results in extreme player loss to the server.


lets just make them famous … im collecting pictures of all guys that leave me alone so what about a plan since blizzard does not care ? youtube maybe ? reddit ? however i have few myself that i want to report and if anyone have a idea please message me xx kamy#1442 or just message me on https://www.facebook.com/kamyNFT/ xx

[We need to be able to report our mates in BG Duo]


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i hate this peppole is seling the minions and bee in the game just to destroy for another peppole with another players and that in that turn destroy the game for players and will to end stop playing.
like last game i hade a guy who sell evrying and then after 3rd turn he played a litle not t oget kicked

I agree that griefers must be punished but players must also play properly.

If I am playing for example the Quilboars hero and I already have several Quilboars then why does my team mate start picking Quilboars on Turn 5?. Why? That could also be griefing.

Why on Turn 10 does my team mate only have 4 token minions? Why? That could also be griefing.

These actions could also be seen as making me lose on purpose, just like selling all minions. It’s the same thing.

Hanlon’s Razor applies to this situation of yours. I doubt they would play like that if they were looking to grief.

I’m in a game now where my random partner played a car in R1, sold it and played a quillboar in R2 and left. no notice popped up. I’m just left with a loss… are you sure this still happens (the message popup)? player was raVEN

I often see that, but today was the worst, he had 3 pirates on his board, I had 4 undead, still early game…he requests a 3rd pirate from my tavern; i pass it next turn, even though it ment i had to freeze the undead in the tavern for myself…after i passed it, he put a portal on the undead left in my tavern, and one on 2 of the undead in my field…didn’t make any sense…untill the fight starts, he had sold all his minions including the gold one to buy a tier 1 undead…

This is my point. I am currently in the 5.5 - 6k cohort. I know it’s not high but the players that I am matched with should be able to at least play the game.

Therefore, if my team mate makes ridiculously dumb plays then I have to assume that they are griefing, trolling etc.

There should be no bad players in my cohort.