We need to do something with quilboars

Iam getting bored to play the game of first pokey wins the game.
Everyone rushes for 6 and the one who gets pokey just insta win it.
The synergy between end of turn effect, charlga, pokey and Drakkari is just to strong.

So i thought if you switch the T7 Quilboar with pokey it could be fine.
Give him battlecry and deathrattle +1 +1. And maybe move the +1 attack to a t4 unit.
This wouldnt make boars bad but takes a lot of pressure out of the current meta, cause u need Baron or bran with other things to build up . What do you guys think ?

Remove all cards that increase blood gems ie they stay +1/+1 forever. Maybe make the minion with Battlecry +1 health T6.

QB are OP definately but you need T6 for the gigastats, on the other hand dragons can smash on no more than T4. Both need a bit of love to balance.

Sadly is quilboars and dragons has 100% win rate in duo and solo games I stack my boars turn 4, 250 / 255 easy game

Bear in mind though that you must first actually get QBs and Dragons.

You have no idea how many times players try to force them but only get a random card here and there.

Meanwhile their team is taking 15 to the face and GG you’re fourth.