What determines minion survival on vanish

Been playing a fair bit of pogo-hopper rogue recently. Not a big rogue fan but I do love this deck as I feel like it requires a fair amount of in-depth thinking and strategizing compared to a lot of other decks.

Not being a huge rogue player one thing has eluded my understanding…lets say I have 5 minions on the board and 8 cards in hand, I play vanish…3 cards are returned to my hand and 2 are destroyed due to lack of space…what determines which cards are returned and which are destroyed as board order doesn’t seem to factor in as I’ve had situations where the first minions on the left have been destroyed while others have been returned. I was thinking maybe it could be order of play but not convinced that’s true either. It could just be entirely random, but if anyone could shed some light on this to help out with my strategising when using vanish it would be appreciated

As far as I know, it’s the order they entered the board.


Yeah, it’s order played. So in your scenario it’d be the 3 things that have been on board the longest.

Great, thanks guys, so order of play it is. I thought it may have been that but couldn’t really be sure. Will make a huge difference in those tight hand situations if I have the opportunity to ‘select’ which minions I want back or, in some cases, make sure opponents don’t get danger cards back

Yeah, remembering the order of minions played, or at least which were the first and last, is a big deal when it comes to Vanish. Ideally we want to burn or kill the high value ones. Likewise I often kill my own minions if I don’t want to replay them.

Yeah that’s exactly my thinking, once or twice I’ve lost Barista Lynchen or Heistbaron Togwaggle to vanish deaths because I wasn’t aware which order they came back in. Hopefully that will be more avoidable now. Just got a new pogo-hopper deck that seems to be a LOT more consistent than the version I was using. Hopefully going to be taking it to the ladder soon after a bit more playtesting

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This is wrong at least in my experience as of 2024, was playing duels, used Green Tortollan Shell (return X enemy minions to the opponents hand) The opponent had 2 Helyas, a Blightfang, and a taunt zombie. Blightfang was played on turn 2, 2 helyas played on turn 4. I used the shell when they had 9 cards in hand, playing around them getting blightfang back. Nope, the game gives them back the Helya they just played, completely skipping the order the minions were played in.