Alright everyone, so I’ve been playing Hearthstone for a couple of years now and I reached Legend for the first time about a year ago. Since then I have been keeping it casual most of the time, but have nevertheless reached Legend 5 more times in Standard and 3 times in Wild. I know that is not as much as the pros, but I feel my observations might still be useful to some of you, so here goes!
1. Players misplay more often than they think.
Many misplays are not very obvious, especially in higher ranks. Just because you’ve played on curve and have not made big mistakes, doesn’t mean you have played correctly. Most often the mistake is subtle: like picking the wrong card from a choice of 3, curving out with the wrong cards, placing 1 more minion than necessary on the board etc. The key to fixing this is not only watching pros play, but watching your own replays (with Deck Tracker for example). When viewing some of my own replays, I often notice misplays, which I did not see during the game, even though I won.
2. You do not need a Tier 1 deck to hit Legend.
Most of the times I got Legend, I did it with Tier 2 decks just because I did not enjoy playing the Tier 1 decks or did not have the cards for them. Some people even get it with Tier 4 decks.
3. Buying packs will also not get you Legend.
Of course it helps to have a Tier 1 deck, but don’t be surprised if you craft it and still can’t get Legend. Buying packs to craft a netdeck is fine in my opinion, but keep in mind that piloting the deck to Legend is not guaranteed.
4. Reaching Legend (from R5) does not take a long time.
Getting Legend takes me 8 to 16 hours, with an average game length of 6 minutes (current season). If you’re playing a slower deck and are unlucky, it can take a bit longer. If it takes too long, then you are most likely not ready.
5. Tilt exists, but it is not always to blame.
If you feel yourself getting tilted, you should step away from the game. However, losing 5 games in a row due is not necessarily because of tilt. It could simply be bad RNG. Just take a short break and keep at it. Try to be honest when identifying whether your losses are due to tilt, misplays or RNG - it will help you in the long run.
6. Losing streaks don’t go away, even when you get good at the game.
Unfortunately, losing streaks are part of the TCG world. Even when get to Legend, you may still lose 5 or even 10 games in a row.
7. If you are Rank 5, reaching Legend is not just a “matter of time”.
When I was consistently getting to rank 5 I would sometimes get lucky winning streaks into rank 3 and even 2. Then I would fall back to R5 and make excuses for myself like: “Yeah, grinding Legend just takes a lot of time. I am not going to grind like some tryhard. I could do it, if I wanted to”. The truth was I was simply making too many misplays. Just because you got carried by a lucky winstreak, does not mean you can consistently get Legend.
8. Does “the Algorithm” exist?
Many times during gross losing streaks I would get salty and think about this. However, it does not matter. You either enjoy the game as it is, or don’t. Whether “the Algorithm” exists has absolutely no meaning for your Legend climb.
9. Deck trackers are very useful, but are not a requirement.
You can reach Legend without them. Use them only if you truly need them to plan your next few turns, assess your decks or make decisions. If you only use them to be salty about the “80% chance you had to topdeck lethal”, then you are using them wrong and you are better off without them.
10. Pick a deck and stick with it.
If you have never played a deck archetype or a class before, don’t switch to it because you lost a few games. It is better to just tech against a particular threat, if you have to, and keep playing a deck you are confident with. Switching to a deck you don’t know how to play will only cause you to lose more games.
11. Don’t force it.
If you fixate on the idea of getting Legend you will simply get frustrated and angry. Don’t force yourself to watch guides and replays - do it whenever you feel like it. Just play the game and if you are ready, it will happen by itself.
12. You don’t need Legend to prove you are a good player.
Most players above rank 20 are relatively good at the game, so don’t worry even if you are stuck at 20 or 15 or 5. Just play for fun!
And that is it, everyone. If you have anything to add, feel free to do so. If not, then thank you for reading. I hope I have been helpful!