We can’t change someone else’s mind. We can only change our own and expect other people change theirs. Human beings have a strong confirmation bias. We tend to ignore or reject what contradicts our world view and give too much importance to what confirms it. Everyone thinks “I’m open to new ideas” but in fact this is a skill that is learned and enhanced. We simply don’t do it by default.
This said, if we can’t change someone’s mind, what can we do? We’ve discussed it actually. Here: Some pointers about discussions
The problem is not if they are willing or not but rather that most people don’t know how to have a civilised discussion. They just don’t know any better. The vast majority of people have no idea what is the burden of proof or even if their arguments are valid or not. It’s an educational issue that is irrelevant for the current discussion and it happens everywhere, not only here.
On a final note: the vast majority of the forum regulars either know how to discuss or at least are able to engage respectfully. You certainly seem to fit right in. Hope to see you around often.