Whoever designed the DK location should be fired

Nerf it already ffs - 20 chars

Yes, hope it will be nerfed soon… it is OP thats for sure… Mainly because they are using it to change the heroic power minion into something much more better… which should die at the end of the turn basically… thats why it has charge… :\ So yes, it is another developer fail.

All I can say, you play Unholy/frost Aggro DK against me and expect to be sat in the game for aslong as possible cause Ima drag it out with roping and everything… the deck is absolutely broken. Blood DK I don’t mind…

I have now literally faced so many dk’s that I do not think there is another class in this game. This particular time I puked before I finished my quests…I usually can hold it until I finish my quests…then puke and go play something that actually brings me joy not diseases

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Yes, that state of the game is terrible… 8/10 matches are DK… because blizzard failed again… buffed them too much and became too attractive. Last month I have lost a bonus star because of my own mistake… this month… I will lose another one because of that bad balance of the game… JUST GREAT! This game is just getting worse and worse… God damn it…

It’s your fault for playing this game thinking it’s a game :))…You should just finish your quests and hope that another team will take the project and actually design better…Which will probably not happen very soon. At this point the game is just garbo