BG Duos. I have just reached 2k and I know it’s not high but why am I being paired with players who know zero about BG?
Turn 8 and my team mate has 3 minions and 3 cards in hand. Does not play them. Take 15 to the face. And another 15.
I pass him a scam card so at least he can contribute something. Immediately sells it for 1 gold and then proceeds to do nothing.
Another 15, GG.
Low rating would account for that, as you said.
I haven’t tried Duos yet. I’m guessing it’s harder since you need to rely on your partner.
I think you’re just being paired with people who are still learning the ropes.
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I feel like you calling them “amoebas” goes a long way towards your performance with them.
Why do you think that there are no such peaople in higher rating?
It doesn’t get better.
I am around 7K, I never add players in BG but a few nights ago my teammate added me (thought he wanted to request something). He was ranked 2000.
No idea how that works, but playing BG:Duo has never been so bad. 1 in 3 games I get a decent teammate.