Why animation overwrites the turns time?

Happy birthday Hearthstone, all the best wished to the team and to the Community.
i have a question, a very old one but still relevant to this date.
why animation overwrites the turns time allowance ?
back when miracle rogue was a thing, or any draw free spells and play decks were meta. we could understand that the game engine perhaps overwhelmed whichs why you got On trun kill decks thats unfairly can play their cards in one go over 5 - 10 min if not longer.
now after 10 year why this still an issue? why some builds still having 5 -10 -15 min turns? and able to play all their cards despite the initial time we all allowed to have per trun ?
this is like most abused bug the gaming industy ever seen.
10 years has past and some decks still can overwrite the game designer rules?
any explanations please?

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The reason is that they don’t care about the problems that cause such imbalance.

The cards were all played in the timer. It just takes longer for the animations to play through so it seems like the opponent has much longer. Simples

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