You Need to Nerf DRUID!

Good job token Druids wr is 55.00%.

Current most played archetype? Tempo Rogue.

(hsreplay sample)
Tempo Rogue 3.1M
Token Druid 2.4M
Bomb Warrior 2.3M

In fact 7 of the classes are being played at least as much as a 1/3 of the top class (Paladin and Priest aren’t).

But maybe you mean you can’t chose to win with a class

Current top 8 wr% archetypes:

Token DRUID (55.00%)
Khadgar Dragon MAGE (53% as a reference)
Control Warrior
(10th is Zoo, 12th is Res Priest)

It’s weird because I see token Druid players make mistakes all the time that cost them games, but I guess if you just label it as brain dead and have no idea how to actually play the deck, it makes it that much harder to beat.

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Big Shaman wither Batterhead works wonders against Tokendruid Token flood.

Just come up with counters against decks and your fine.

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Token Druid is just broken.
I lost as a control warrior, having 2 Brawls in hand, warpath and Dr. Boom.
No matter how many clears you have, they just keep spamming tokens.

The only reason why everybody play Rogue right now is to tempo out the broken Druids.

Well that would be an interesting game to have watched.

Token vs Tempo is about 50/50, Zoo beats on Token but not enough people are playing Token Druid for the masses to start playing zoo.

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I see your point. And you can always argue to ‘just play a counter’.
But in the end players dont want to be forced to playing against decks that they have to play any kind of counter for otherwise they will get dumbstered in 2/3 games.
In addition this is expensive. Every deck should have kinda equal win rates, in general. I would argue that having between 47-53% win rate was ‘fine’ since you wont hit 50 on every deck. But having a >60% just shows that there is something not working as it should be.
Even as a warrior you are struggeling vs druids. Because you only have two brawls and two warpath. While druid spams the board 6-7+ times with cheap minions.
4x twin spell for 5 treants
2x summon a whisp for every card in hand blabla…

The problem is that you have to clear all of those. Because otherwise this ret*** is just waiting 1-2 turns and you will be low enough on HP to be bursted by his cheap buff cards.
This deck does have a high win rate for a reason. This reason is not that people suddenly became very clever.

Which deck is >60%?

Token Druid is at 54.84 and falling.

I agree with you!..

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As all meta decks, sooner or later people find decks that counter it, right now thats controll warr (not bomb one)
Then new decks will counter the new ones, countering it, etc, etc, endless circle

It’s still about 50/50 vs control warrior.

I know
IMO, thats because the masses, can’t properly define the playstile and play attrition game. Waiting for their standart fatigue win condition. Controll war, has 4 big board clears, and druid, even if he missplays has at least 6 full board fills, 8 if you count for soul of the forest, even more if you are lucky discovering spells.

Most warriors I’ve faced, were just sitting idle, waiting to react on what I did and loosing in the endgame. Those who started being pro-active since the beggining, made me use my resources to deffend myself and finally won.


With the rise of Token Druid, Zoolock and Tempo rogue if you are not playing any 1-4 drops you will be blown out before you get to the AOE turns. I play my own version of Khadgar Mage with a lot of 3 & 4 drops that discover/gain a card which bridges the gap to my AOE/Doomsayer turns.
If you are a Priest main then maybe the silence Priest with the early big boyz, taunt givers and mass dispel is the way to go.

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It’s funny that this thread didn’t die of old age after 2 posts. It was kind of obvious from day2 that rogue was the tier S deck to beat. Warrior beat rogue, bomb hunter beat warrior. And with those 3 decks we got the holy trinity of this expansion.
Everything else, including the druid is just good tier2 (mostly hard-counter) decks.
(Khadgar mage loses too hard to aggro and the bomb hunter himself to be included in top3)

Got my legend last month with a midrange tempo rogue (toggwaggle-nomi) (rank4-L in 1 day). Lost hard with the same deck to the new aggro rogue (with lifedrinkers), so I picked up the most aggressive list of that and got to rank1, finished the push for legend with a bomb hunter (I had 7-0 vs hunters with my rogue but I felt like rogue vs hunter matchup is the most difficult one and prone to misplays and I was meeting more opponent rogues, so instead of gambling rogue vs rogue I just let them do mistakes vs my hunter). Again rank4->L in 1 day.
The 3 top decks (tempo rogue, control warrior and bomb hunter) were obviously >80% of the opposition. Of the less popular ones, Zoolock seems to be gone and murloc shaman is back (2 opponents in rank1 had that). Also met 2 druids, 1 paladin and 2 miracle priests.

Having said that, it’s possible to get legend with any class still (although paladin and priest may take a bit longer, depending on what opponents are more popular) - this expansion is surprisingly well balanced.

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Just do what I do my friend, everytime I see my opponent is playing druid, I just leave, because I know my Murloc deck is useless.
It’s the same against Rogue, I just give them the victory.

Y’all need some r/competitivehs. I migrated there a few months ago and I never felt the need to come back here since.