You Need to Nerf DRUID!

Unbeliveable! Unbelievable! As a priest player, every time I am killed before 5 mana crystals by Druids! I cannot use any cards! Holy Nova, Mass Hysteria, Mass Dispel (5 mana crystals) are useless! It is really unbalanced! Druid’s cards extremely cheap! Unfair! I have never seen before like this mechanic!!!

I really REGRET buying priest’s cards that are USELESS!!!


Well Res Priest is 46.6% against Token Druid and Silence Priest is 50% so it seems everyone else is doing ok.


So what is the new thing for priests? Just a silent card? :slight_smile: Wall Priests are USELESS for everyone. This expansion nothing for priests!

As someone who makes a bunch of random decks, surprisingly deathrattle priest is doing surprisingly well for me to the point that im usibg it more than mech bomb warrior

A token Druid who does not win every game against Priest is doing something terribly wrong. But I don’t think that’s a reason to nerf Druid - there are enough classes that can deal with them. And Priest is actually flying a bit under the radar - there are several Priest decks that are doing really well against all decks that can not deal 40 dmg on T5. And that’s about everything except token Druids who do not lose minions on T2 and 3.

If they nerf the deck, what will all the drooling noobs who used to play Rexar do?

Yeah coz Hunter is op… kappa keepo

Friendly reminder to the OP that Wild Pyromamcer is a card that Priests can utilize extremely well to deal with Token Druid


I already use it. But if it doesn’t come, you will lose! How balanced! You just need one card to alive!!!

Token Druid and Murloc Shaman ruins ladder.
He is spot on.
Kids like the face decks tho.

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Create a new account level up to rank 10 in 2 weeks , its to damn easy. The free to play lives people just think out the box.

Jumps on the wall priest wagon, claims he is a priest player :smiley: :smiley:
Dude, if you were, tokken dru would never be a problem with all the tools, priest has to deal with it. Actually from all classes, priest is the only one that can use a hard counter to tokkens or other small minion oriented decks, leik odd pala or token shaman :smiley:


This is just a lie.
Ive played alot of priest against token druid, and tried building it so i could have a chance against aggro, but you need Luck and even then its not certain you win. He just keeps refilling the Board.
And at 5 mana Your dead or Close.

Taunt Warrior, Summon mage has better Tools, but you still need favorable Draw to not just insta concede.

Problem With favorable Draw is the fact that its 30 Cards in the deck.
Token druid is stupid OP.

Silence and miracle (nomi) priests have very favorable matchups vs druid.
However, miracle is destroyed by warriors and silence is destroyed by murlocs and zoolocks.
If you see high proportion of druids and low proportion of the counters you could play one of these.

I would just not play priest altogether though if your goal is just to maximize winning. Optimizing some of the stronger decks will yeald better results.

Token druids lose to most of the tier1 decks though, so I doubt you meet too many of them.

So… a Control meta is better then? Oh wait, you hate Control Warrior and Elyssiana. What DO you want?

Post your deck, before calling me on a false statement, and then we talk, I can think on the fly of 6 cards, that crush token druid before turn 5. Do you even know how many board refills he has?

Playing the weakest and almost unplayed class (priest) requires a bit more patience and above average skills at deck building.

If you don’t know how to build your own working decks, don’t play priest in this expansion.

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I have been playing almost 3 years. I know what I should do or what I need to do. I have never seen like this expansion! Druids are extremely unbalanced!!!


In my opinion, they aren’t unbalanced.

Token Druid (which is what people are complaining about) just has multiple win conditions and requires little to no skill to play, hence it can seem like the deck is exceptionally strong, when in my opinion it’s not.

With the right tools, it’s easy-ish to overcome.

I can see why people use it, if you’re new to the game and/or lack deck building skills, net-decking this is an easy way to win games and gold.

I think many people prefer control/skill based matchups which is typically what the Meta moves towards as more cards get released and people figure out synergies and anti-agro tools, so after the ‘early game’ phase we’re in moves on, I’d expect the deck to fall by the wayside.

Also, having tried it for three games – people may win with it but man it’s dull!

Do you really believe in this? Druids losing to any deck?
No deck has enough removal to frequently deal with the flood of minions.
For the druid one turn (that you dont remove everything) is enough and he bursts you for 25-30 damage with cheap minions and cheap Buff cards. Lol.
These matches vs druid are only decided by having 127461950 removal spells on hand instantly. And most likely the “defender” just cannot provide this. So this deck is perfect for ******* who need to farm elo without being reliant on their brain.
A deck does not have 60+% win rate if it’s balanced or any kind of not broken.

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