Zero randomness, rigged

well been playing Hearthstone for a really long time, but lately many things confirm that there is no RNG and the game actually works based on (Win Chance/Whose Deck has better chance) ill explain it more so you don’t get me wrong.

ex 1 (Dueling) go test it too, a Bomb Warrior Deck but fill it with low rank low Attack minions and spells that give you armor or just play normally i guess. first rounds you win most of the time they draw the bombs. but when you advance further you’ll see that your rarely or never draws bombs unless its the last cards in he’s deck or he’s about to lose. also powers/cards is based on your deck win chance.

Ex 2 (Dueling) make a custom deck Burn Rogue /Draw Rogue / Spell Mage etc but custom like time wrap otk’s and these. if you face a pally or any swarm/rush decks. guaranteed your starting hand is bad + draws are bad, OTK combo cards or cards that would save you are at the end of your deck.

Ex 3 (Battleground) if theres anyone who can kill you mid game aka 5-4+ players alive, your matched up against them 100% sure of this one.

Ex 4 (Battleground) if you win the first rounds and you have a good start board, you’ll get better minions and matchup against people you can finish off or the bot if the players have a chance to finish you off later on.

Ex 5 (Ranks) Use a meta Deck and see how good your cards become, change few cards and see how the matchups change and your draw changes.

Ex 6 (Any) make a focused board clear deck and keep 5 cards as weak minions with any class other than hunters/warrior, when you matchup against a swarm deck see how your board clears will hide at the bottom of your deck.

test any of these above, and tell me the game is random RNG based or draws are random. it decided by the Win chance at the start of the game. any custom decks that are actually fun and creative with combos etc would never be good unless its a Meta Deck used by many players and the win chance is High. if its made by you and not used by others you’ll keep drawing bad cards + RNG helping them.

I had many games a games in duels as a bomb warrior where my opponent had 20+ bombs and actually never drew them. this only happens when i stop building high minion decks.

I had many games as a time wrap mage with a full draw power build to negate RNG. to find my Core card is the last card of the deck.

just test it out, if you didn’t figure it out yet, explain it why would Hunters or any rush/swarm meta decks always top deck that Kill shot or savage roar etc. out of that 20 card they have when your low on health. while you on the other hand even when using draw cards struggle to get that frost nova or heal.

i won’t give any proof just go and test any. its supposed to be fully randomly generated not rigged like that so people would spend to build your Meta decks.

Hearthstone wasn’t like this long ago before black rock. even the classic mode is rigged as its not at all the RNG we had before.

i’m not annoyed cause of losing or i’m annoyed cause they took our freedom of choice and the fun of a strategic card game. also even Pack opening and making gold changed to worse much worse. i didn’t test Arena because its been rigged from a long time ago go see guides and youll know what i mean. (sorry for my bad english)

one last thing go watch old Hearthstone games and new ones you’ll easily notice the difference (not lucky moments).

Give us our old gold system back and remove that coding, which you think people won’t notice. else stop calling it a FREE GAME.


I think you’re wrong. There’s a lot of RNG in the game, but there’s skill as well in anticipating your opponent’s moves and what he can do with the mana he’ll have.
For instance, you know he can’t drop a DarkMoon rabbit on you on Turn 1, right?

The instances you mention are just the ones where the RNG worked against you. You say you’re not annoyed because of losing, but you must still be pretty annoyed to have posted that.

Hearthstone always had RNG, it just had fewer cards before. Remember Mad Bomber?
The bomber hits you in the face 3 times, and you lose the tempo and the board advantage. The bomber hits the opponent’s minion and you win board presence.
There have always been swings like that.

Finally, after all these years, someone has presented solid evidence that Confirmation Bias exists.


Them swings go to whoever bought the most packs.

You mean I have to buy even more?!


Excellent Rafael.

Post must be at least 2099889898989 characters

The whole game is a sh*tshow. RNG dosnt exist in the game. Every mage just got the best random spells against my deck. And those top decks, bruh…the whole game is just a big pile of crap. Im gonna delete it ASAP.

Be nice. He’s put some effort into this, so he obviously believes he has a point.

@Rafael - I respectfully disagree and say that your examples are small samples of normal data, taken out of context with a view of proving a point, rather than demonstrating a data set. The only counterpoint I admittedly can be bothered to do at the moment is that it would be completely illogical for Blizz to do the things you are claiming. It poses such significantly higher risk of legal action against them that it simply is not worth the small possibility that people will go crazy from losing so much, buy 10x more Hearthstone content instead of quitting and then repeat the process endlessly until Blizz can afford their own deathstar or w.e it is you think their end goal is.

Something that just happened in my current game which I want to share that has something to do with RNG, but much more with my attempt to be greedy.Which led to my loss.

I’m playing with Rogue against Paladin. Totally winning in tempo and board.Paladin has no minions on the board, only the Hammer of Naaru with one durability remaining.

I have an injured Shadow Hunter Vojin which I got from Jandice Barov. A swing from the hammer would kill him.
I have an active Yogg in my hand.
I use Tenwu on Shadow Hunter Vojin to heal him and summon him again.

Vojin is played for 1 mana. Tenwu goes back in my hand and summons Yogg with no Battlecry.
Now, I’m on the clock. It was a long turn.
Rather than wait for next turn, I play the Tenwu on the Yogg, summon him for 1 and he gives us both a board of Rush minions. Now, this is something I could have dealt with had I had more time. But since I’m on the rope, I lose.

This i was not RNG, this was a simple misplay. Was RNG involved? Plenty.

Just giving this as an example of my own failing.
Other people may have blamed RNG for it all.

I understand that HS have to support new cards, but that the Mutanus every time destroy the highest minion is too much.

I would say that Mutanus destroy the highest card most of the time. I play with it myself, and honestly have the feeling that i have good luck when i use it, but have had it played against me alot of time to, and it have destroyed everything from a 2/2 to a 10/10 when i got hit with it, even when i had better card on my hand.

About the rigging of the game, i don’t believe that it is rigged in the way described in the first post, but i still think that something is rotten, simply because not everybody can be in legend, so some ppl have to loose, so they stay at the same place on the ladder month after month.
For me it looks like this i stay just below where was last month, untill late in the month, then all my cards suddently come in the best possibble way they can, game after game, and i suddently win games enough, so i end where i was the month before.
That haven’t happened to me 1 or 2 times, but the last year or so.

You are not getting better cards. You are getting worst opponents. Better players get to higher ladder and legend positions early in the month, which means that later in the month, the same exact ladder spot is easier across all of the ladder. Players know this since the old ladder system. Better card draw has nothing to do with it.

No Vlad you misunderstand what i am writing.
First of all i always get to just below where i normally end, maybe needing 2 or 3 wins to where i was last month, simply because i get cards that work together.
Then suddedntly out of nowhere i have 10 maybe 15 games in a row where no cards match eachother and i end where i always end.

Then from there to the last week or of the month i am jumping from 1 star from getting to where i normally end at the lowest in the rank.
I mostly win when i change deck to something new, but it is like when i have played the deck a little time, i simply can get any combo at all, or if i need kill card i against a deck i get all my high cost mobs and virsa versa.
so basically when i play a deck i haven’t played before i win, but when i have played it a little, i can be sure nothing works at all, except at the last few days of the month.

Ppl that think rigged doesn’t exist are mage players for sure. If not then priest.
They think they are good but the class does 99% of the work. It’s bad that in bronze there is so much mages.
Ofc they will defend it by saying it’s not true. But they believe in their self and don’t have the power to think real.
And I will accept That. Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter what you play as long as you have fun it’s oke. But don’t think you are a good player when you beat a real class.

I keep my opinion for myself about what kind of ppl play those classes.

I actually agree with you about those 2 deck and will at the same time put hunter and paladin in their to, i have played them all, and went up the ladder with them, but i simply loose interest in those decks very fast, and at the moment i am playing almost every other class, which is punishing me in this meta, as those 4 classes simply have to little backlash, when you play them and make a little mistake.

So if you really want to reach higher rank, and aren’t one of those super players, who seems to have success with all randomness, you will have to play one of those easy playable deck, from those classes, that are around on the internet.

One of the fun thing that have happened for me, is that in the last 3 day, i have changed between playing 4 different decks, for a shorter or longer periode of time, every day.

I could tell which opponent i would come up against, in almost every game, simply by choosing the 3 deck i knew, that my deck will have huge defficulties against.

the few times i was wrong, it was certain that i would draw the worst possibly hand, and even when i won, because my opponent played real bad, it was simply not enough to stand against it, so after 3 days with alot of games, i am exactly where i started, but at least i got some xp.
So even that i am not among the best players, i will still say that there is something wrong with the way opponents are choosen and the randomness in the game.

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I got an issue with the arena, you got 5-6 sh** builds and then you get one that burst everyone. How is it random the cards that fall into the arena? I had 3 decks in a row that made me 0 wins and maybe some of you would say uhh he is a noob, i’ve been playing for 6 years so that’s not the case the decks were absolute trash with total scores of 67-69, I currently play only Arena for the past 2 years and it’s worse and worse each year.

Go to the hell HS, why mutanus almost every time destroy the minion with highest stats???

indeed i lose every f game last days, why do opponents get free wins? the game search a counter for me, but why am i not the counter to someone else?
is this the way to thank me for buying the mini set? i think the game hates me.
also before i looted a legendary card i was many packs further.
maybe i have to quit this game for sure. it is Unfortunately but if this game makes me angry every day it is not worth it to keep invest in it.
also all those mage players ruin the fun for me.

blad manz iz right cuz. manz should reach legend every month but manz never reach legend coz game is rigged barez u know.