2019 Lunar Festival

Dear HOTS Support,

I’d like to ask there will be a Lunar Festival this year or the festive is reduced to HOTS shop items?
Unfortunately, I missed some skins due to hanging up to play Heroes in 2018, and it would be good if I could make up for those skins.

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It’s right there, in the stickied post:

Speaking of our next few releases, you probably noticed that our Lunar New Year seasonal event hasn’t hit yet, but fear not – that’s just because we’ve reimagined it as our Spring Event. Last year we had a ton of fun with our unique seasonal events like Nexomania in Summer, The Fall of King’s Crest in Fall, and Toys in Winter, and we’d like to continue exploring fun new universes and themes to coincide with each season moving forward. Stay tuned for all the details on our Spring Event next month, and know that we’ll not only be bringing back our previous limited-time Lunar New Year content, but we’ll also unveil an exciting, all-new skin theme to round out this year’s event.

From almost 3 weeks ago, so details should be coming in March, quite possibly the next patch.


Thanks for your post Gnub but I’m a bit disappointed about the missed lunar skins.

But… u’ll still be able to buy them when the spring event starts…

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Just as the quote Yukie empathized, they will return. The currently existing ones aren’t missed in any way, but true - the new skins likely aren’t going to be Lunar Festival themed.