2x Ban because you all snowflake can't handle the truth Just think how many got banned silence like me, just for telling my opinion and truth

Greetings FaaakBlizzzz#2877,

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Offense: Inappropriate


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If you don’t have 5 friends to play with go play another game.
If anyone says it’s a fair game NOOO just NOOOO not solo but as 5 man game sure.
In solo with other you get Trolls, AFKS, and drunk people on the weekend who doesn’t give a faaaak. play another game solo if you have 5 friends it is fun.

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Blizzard really do not have a leg to stand on with a lot of this behaviour consider their previous lawsuits. It’s ironic that companies that allowed a toxic abusive workforce were so desperate to stamp out a few toxic words on their games.

When I say “ironic”, I mean hypocritical and arrogant.

In my experience, people who call others ‘snowflake’ are almost always crying about something. Ironic, no?

I don’t care that you were banned (first world problems, etc.). More interesting is what will you do now? Is venting your frustration here the extent of it? Will you stop playing the game? Or are you going to turn around and troll some games by feeding, afking, or whatever as some kind of petty ‘revenge’ against Blizzard and the people who reported you?

What kind of person are you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you don’t care why he got banned for telling the truth why use the time to answer him?
there is more freedom of speech in Russia. so I think he may be just trolling or botting so everyone knows they wasting their time on this game.