50% winrate theory

Why everyone have around 50% winrate? (if we do not count vs AI mode)
I think there is algorithm in matchmaking system that is trying to match players together unfairly so they will stay at aprox. 50% winrate.

When I play a lot of games and win most of them, I start to get really bad players that do not even care about leaving game or trolling. Sometimes on the other hand I get people who are trying to win as much as then can, and this usually happens when I have big lose streak.

What is your winrate?


50/50 winrate as a goal is made to keep customers invested forever.


Yes it’s real. Seems like all the fanbois are gone from this forum, so you won’t be harassed about it for a while.


It’s real and so unfair.
This game doesn’t have ,carry’ potential like League or Dota has, so climb is almost impossible for normal player who doesn’t have time to play like 20-30 games a day.
I seriously think about leaving this game, it’s not healthy and is demotivating.


I have about 55% win ratio as a whole in QM but were you taking about ranked or in general ?

The same feelings here, mate.


If you play against people of the same skill, what winrate would you expect to have?


Most are gone yes, they were pulled off the frontline and redeployed elsewhere like reddit, twitter and US forum.

It is very hard to carry, only really excellent players who are stuck in lower MMR brackets can influence a HotS match. Due to the teambased XP system, you’re only as strong as the weakest link on your team, in general.

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Sadly this is how the devs see balance , when u win to much they will put trash tier players with low stats into your games . That’s why the low population in ranked . Players got tired of this system .


What do you draw from all the posts over the years since this game came into existence about playing with and against players of unequal skill?

well your mmr goes up or down till you are ranked right, if you are not ranked right in the first place. when you are ranked right your teammembers and opponents are equaly “good” - whatever that means - maybe someone is better mechanicly - another one drafts better/ can fill all roles in a good way - another one has better macro skills…

when you are matched with equaly good players you obviosly win the same amount of games than you loose (on average) - so you will have a 50% winrate after you got to your rank where you “belong”.

lets say you rank up for 50 games with 60% winrate (to the rank you belong)

after that you will have a 50% wr because you aren´t better than the average player at that rank anymore.

  • 60% wr after 50 games
    -55% wr after 100 games (60% in the first 50 games, 50% the next 50 games)
  • 52,5% wr after 200 games
  • 51,25% wr after 400 games

lets say we have a closed system of only 10 players - if someone has a higher winrate than 50% someone else has a winrate of lower than 50% (after each game 5 people loose and 5 win - if you dont count disconnects)

idk - i really wish you people who cry forced winrate would use your brain once.
of cause its forced long time - but not with manipulation - just by statistics.

if you want to have higher than 50% winrate you ask to get matched against worse opponents (on average) over and over again while climbing in rank - so those would loose alot - which is neither fun - nor seems fair to me.

I conclude nothing. I play myself, I don’t need other people to tell me the state of the game.

From now on you shall be known as ‘head in the sand bax’

While I only said that I conclude nothing, you seem to conclude way too much about me. Maybe focus more on yourself instead of others :wink:


What’s done is done. You want me to go back and delete my posts? Do you have any more digs?

Bax, you consistently add nothing to the conversation except impose your “I conclude nothing except that 50% winrate doesn’t exist” attitude. It’s deeply disturbing. So many people noticed it that they quit without saying anything. Talk to them and they say yes it’s real. Plenty people have tried to talk about it and they get banned or they run into you or on the US forums 20 people like you.

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dude have you even read my post.

50% winrate exists
FORCED 50% winrate DOESN´T exist

in addition Bax never said 50% winrate doesn´t exist.

and if that forced winrate really is a thing - can you explain how i got like 57% wr over more than 100 games this season?

people use your brain!!!

i could aswell ask you - i flip a coin 1.000.000 times - why does heads and tail appear around as often? Did blizzard force a 50% heads or tails rate? i dont think so - there is a logic explaination.

there is a logic explaination why most winrates are arround 50% - see my post. without blizzard needing to force anything…

This was a long time ago, and I just hate some people’s line of thinking and imposition on these boards on a daily basis.

If the matchmaker is putting to people together unfairly to make 50% winrate an actuality, how is there no such thing as a forced loss? The fact is that the matchmaker forces wins and losses.

Sry in advance for any mistakes in English as it is not my main language.

I do believe there is a forced 50% winrate. I have been playing this game for around 2 years. I mastered more than half of the heroes, i’m level 1k+, I know the basics of the game (the concept of xp, when to take camps, when to engage, rotations etc), i know what heroes to pick to counter oponents on hero league and what heroes to take in order to combo with teamates. I go to websites related to the game and I watch pro games on twitch. However I’m stuck at silver 3. Whenever I get a winning streak on hero league, I also end up with people who either are bad that don’t know the basics of the game, people who throw up the game by flaming others or playing bad. In every other game I played so far, I became better the more I played it. However with hots I feel like it’s static. I win 3 games… then I loose 3 games… I have more or less a 50% winrate no matter what I do. I don’t know if it’s the same with other moba games since hots is the only moba I play. Even though I find this game fun to play, I feel like there is no point playing this game competitevely because of my 50% winrate.


then please show me the proof for that. you are the one throwing out an unreasonable statement here, not me.
you and other people are talking about “facts” here - i have seen nothing that proofs nor indicates any manipulation. the only one who is posting explainations here am i.

you just post “there is forced winrates” over and over again.
if i start a topic “there are pink unicorns” and 100 people tell the same - still does not make pink unicorns or any unicorns exist.

you are the ones here saying “bigfoot exists” and yet you bring no proof at all, and everyone should believe you. and if some ragy kids say “i got forced wr, i cant get out of bronze/silver/gold” - what is more likely. is it that they are really bad themselfes, overestimate their own skill and are ranked right where they belong or that blizzard manipulated (cost money - extra programmer for the manipulation algorithm) the matchmaking of every single one (which is not possible by the way - because if you manipulate 1 good player with 4 bad ones - the bad ones will get even lower winrate)

if you have a winrate of 50% over a lot of games you are ranked right. if you want to climb, you have to play better (learn new things, watch your replays, work on your skills, work on your draft, work on your attitude,…)

The game is supposed to be extremely fair. They gave it a socialist design to enforce fairness onto players. Force them to cooperate. Force them to group together. Force them into bondage against one another. What could be more fair than that… no irony intended.

Nature got it right, survival of the fittest. Human meddling has always failed. It starts out as friendly and always ends in tyranny. Every religion, every government, every passionate leader; it always ends the same way.

Accept my righteousness!!! -That Guy