A solo focused rank system instead a teamplayer one

I was wondering… do you ever feel like this system is totally wrong?
Do you ever feel frustration when you read “MVP” under your name after a Lost Ranked Match with -200 ranked points?
Because this is my case.
So I was wondering… why don’t focus the point system in a solo point of view ?

This is a Team Game so… it’s only natural: you win (as a team) so your points go up, you lose (as a team) and your points go down… But what about you and your game? Did you really lost because you played like a newcomer? Everytime when you win is it because you play well… or sometimes you have been carry? And do you really feel ok when you did all you could, get even MVP but the game was lost before it started because your teammates pick 2 Mages and no tank or healer? Is it really a “team loss” ?

I was thinking… this game is extremely fun and good. Heroes are (most) balanced… all (quite) is good when you are in Quick Match… but when you are in Ranked it’s all so wrong.
So this idea hit me : “Why not give or take off ranked points based on your performance?”, not just plus or minus few points but the real thing!

Let’s reverse the things like are now!

Win or lose could be just a bonus. Positive points for every good thing you do, negative when you die. (if this A.I. can make you clutch healer, escapist etc etc, can do maths for this kind of things right?)
For example : MVP awards you 100 points, every kill gives you 5 points, every death gives you -10 points and any other title you achieve at the score screen gives you 50 points (cluch healer, escapist etc), and in the end a won game gives you 20 points while a loss gives you -20 points.

These numbers are just an example. I think Blizzard can decide better ones… but this is for you to undestand my idea. The idea of not being demoted if there are trolls in your team or a newbie who makes big mistakes… it is both a reason to not be enraged or start to flame, nor to be obsessed with a win and enjoy the game for pure fun.

So if you will be demoted or promoted, it will be all on your shoulders and you won’t have to be stressed about “how good your teammates are”.

I think this is the only way to get your “real” rank position.


Not bad for an idea to grown. Have u seen this other places ?

wow, someone answered XD !

What do you mean ?

If you expect Blizzard to ever adress issues in this game, you are wasting your breath. The ranked system is and forever will be 100% broken if you solo queue, Bronze Gold silver and Diamond is alle the same. You can find really really good players in all those ranks, aswell as really really bad players. It doesnt matter how well or how bad they play, the ranked system is just 100% random if you lose 200 points or gain 200 points.