The report-system is too easily abused and made worse by someone who plays a lot.
I’ve had multiple, multiple games of trolls or grouped players saying they’ll report someone Abusive Chat or AFK -purely- because they didn’t win.
This has even led to an AFK suspension warning, then a one-week ban at one point, when I’ve NEVER gone AFK. But I -did- have 4 games of 3-5 grouped friends all saying they’ll do it. A day later? Boom.
It’s clearly not working as you intend anymore. You should keep the Mute feature like before, muting actual, real toxic people - and have AFK reports actually investigated; or, only allow 1 report from party-members from that game to count, or it’s too easily abused.
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It’s a game where emotions naturally run high, and sometimes, a strong word might slip out. Penalizing someone entirely for such moments feels like discrimination against emotions, as if expressing feelings is outright forbidden. Of course, nobody likes being insulted for no reason, which is understandable, but other games handle this better with a global mute penalty. This allows players to decide for themselves whether they want to hear someone or not.
When you’re passionate about playing and then punished for it, it feels thoughtless and disrespectful. Personally, this system has discouraged me from writing anything at all. During the draft phase, I often ignore other players’ questions because they’re just looking to bait me into saying something that they can later report if things don’t go their way.
Even AFK reports feel unnecessary—if someone truly plays AFK consistently, they’ll naturally drop in rank and become irrelevant without intervention. Honestly, I struggle to find anything practical or fair about the current system. It wouldn’t surprise me if this is one of the main reasons so few people are playing anymore.