AI players and high win rates

I don’t know if this is a problem. but this is a situation I have encountered in most games I play. If HOTS’s MM system is working with the percentage of winning (I think it works like this) I think it’s a troublesome situation. because AI players are 1500 lvl or higher players with high win percentages. Of course, this causes injustices in draft games and quick games. the game is inadequate to eliminate such players. Do you think a solution can not be found? I think it can be found. MM system can be introduced according to the percentages of the players who play quick games or draft games with the players who have high AI percentages

It doesn’t work on win % vs AI obviously…

Anyway what is the problem here again?

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The problem is: players with high win percentages can reach plat or diamond ranks more quickly. for example; The last game I played was diamond rank and one of my team played with so much AI that the winning percentages skyrocketed. neither did he play qm nor rank properly. Don’t you think it’s a little unfair? the man hasn’t played the game against real people yet …

I have never seen or heard of anyone getting diamond from AI games ha. I sincerely doubt that this is true in any shape or form.

Of course, you can not play a diamond or platinum band just by playing this way. what I want to tell you was that there was a distinction between players with a high win percentage. the game needs to analyze whether it is constantly playing against AIs or real players. I also don’t have to prove anything to you here. I wrote here because I think this is a problem.

Well it isn’t. It is not about win percentage, its about hidden ELO. ELO is an established system, used for example to rank chess players. Read about how it works.

of course i know what ELO is. I did not know that this game uses ELO. actually not using it anyway!?. I think it would be better if you researched this first. the system you mentioned is not valid for games played in teams like this game. mostly valid in pvp-weighted games (for example, chess is also used for LOL and DOTA although it looks like a team game)