Amazing team balance in QM

Well done Blizzard, a QM match where your match maker seems to think that a team consisting of Lunara, Abathur, Medivh, Ana, and Alarak is a well balanced and team that has a chance at winning, seriously pad yourself on the shoulder good job!!!

dont worry ranking is alot worse…
you getting every 2/3 matches blizard emloyer 12y old sick child who have problem keep mouse, and only what you get froim him is much swears…

Really? I almost never play rank as i dont wanna play that when i play solo which is what i do most of the time, but i thought that rank was better since people have something to fight for.

you was never more in mistake… rank system this game is worst ever… they made mmr… and if you have mmr for example 5000 your allies has 50mmr…
without team full 5 players is no chance to play rank…
every patch is worse and worse. Its look like developers get paid for destroy this game… or another version (they dont have enough big brain to understand 50 is less than 5000)