Please add me
Xylord#2300 in the Europe Region
Please add me
Xylord#2300 in the Europe Region
hey, i got ur msg while in game…
yeah i went solo q , at times i do tht, and i found 3 gud ppl, n teamed up with them n found one mroe, ,n played 3 games party of 5 , won 2 lost 1
but against AI , i dnt enjoy, less exp less gold, less satisfaction of killing the opponent
You can leave offline messages inside the app you know?
You don’t have to respond to me on the forums
But it is nice of you to say something because I felt you ignored me
Thank you
no, actually was in an intense team fight tht time, i read it, n later forgot, so logged out, then i saw ur name here n remembered tht i had to reply u
i dnt ignore lol,
But u like playing AI a alot, n i dnt like playing AI at all, thts why we dont team up much, but still , i do find time for all my frends, hopefully in the middle i join u for som AI fun too within my SL games