ARAM and Ranked are dead by a margin

Same picks/bans in Ranked, full of premades of 5…

ARAM full of insta leavers and troll picks, full of Azmodan teams…

Overall game is just dead and anyone shouldn’t bother playing it. Fall of Blizzard on all levels after WoW and Overwatch.


HOTS has been dead for 2 years now.
The only people playing are someone who has bought the account for a small amount of money and has zero clue about the game. 70% is trolls and afks and Blizzard only cares if you say a naughty word then you get a time out. If you troll and feed all day long you’re fine.
Really loved this game 2 years ago. It was really fun and relaxing. Now is just S…

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Same feelings here guys, but i still give an hope. But the truth is sad.