Aram pick phase

Any chance you can hire some competent developers who actualy knows anything about the game. Like a team that can only pick melee heroes, shouldn’t be vs a team of people would could pick aoe classes.
Plus do something about people who die on purpose. I just had one who charged in vs the opponents, alone with about 10% life. He had also died less than every minute

You should know that HOTS is practically in maintenance mode, so don’t expect too much from the dev team.

Now I’ve been saying this for years on these forums but I’ll say it again- brawl (or ARAM, whatever) is the “fun” mode, that means you shouldn’t take it that seriously.

I noticed that a lot of current HOTS players are much bigger tryhards than most dota players and that’s just sad if you ask me

But it isn’t fun, when one team just destroys the other team, because of the incompetence of Blizzard. That are clearly clueless about the game. AoE heroes destroys in ARAM, especialy vs melee. Atleast they do most of the time. But clearly Blizzard dosen’t care about the fun and fairness of their games. Or else they wouldn’t have removed so you can see if your opposing team has premades. In heartstone they have done so you can’t see the rank of your opponent, when you play rank.
So, i just had match, where my pick options was ragnaros, a healer (i think lili) and alarak. I didn’t pick healer as 2 other people already picked it, plus one of them, i think could only pick healer. My opponents was 2 chromies, raynor, deathwing and uther. None of the heroes i had, could have had a chance vs that team. Who ever designed the garbage, of pick phase, clearly knows nothing of the game, and shouldn’t be working in the gaming industry.
And the argument it’s ment to be a “fun” mode, is a load of BS. There is nothing fun in a match, that is pretty much lost from the start. Joke of a company