Bann a pool of heroes in QM Each week?

I noticed OW had for a period of time a bann on certain heroes.

Is this something to consider for HoTs? I personally am a bit exhausted by every Hots match in QM for example to have the same 10 heroes dominate either team A or B every match. Its always li ming that spirals out of control. Or a butcher that has just existed for 10 minutes. Which means by now he 3 shots half your team.

Just 2 examples. But its always the same small pool of heroes, and if you play anything outside that pool, you are heavily punished. Lets take Kel’thuzad for example. A hero that is incredible fun, yet near impossible to play in quickmatch. And there are plenty of other heroes that are simply not worth the effort in quickmatch. They are fun to play, but losing all the time because you keep running into heroes that eat half the hero roster up gets old very quick.

I always thought a bann rotation would spice up the game a bit. Get some variation in the games. Its not all about winning, and that is true. But always losing because of the same reasons is also getting a bit lame. You want to play a hero that is fun? Tough luck. He gets roasted by the 10 heroes that get played constantly. Which as a result ends up with you not even being able to walk 2 meters away from your tower before being devoured.

Obviously I play a lot of mages. But most of them suffer greatly to the amount of Mage/Assassin murderers that are very populaire. Its not about balance in QM, but i’m pretty sure its a popular game mode. And it really does need some love.

Its just an Idea that I saw OW do.

Peace !