Hi guys i don’t wont be long but straight; lot of people who still love the game like me hate Blackheart’s Bay (personally i don’t really hate “B’sB” but i don’t like).
Lot of my friends in hots literally wonna close the game when we are playing together on B’sB.
Personally i think that blizzard can take the decision to stop this map for a short period…What do you think about that?
I had the same opinion, until I realized that double soakers and bruisers can do a lot on top and mid while the the other teammates can stick to bottom and push the wall from the start of the game, because everyone thinks that is better to get the watchtower first and then fight. B’sB gives you like 2 options to start the game. Loose top and mid for soak and push bot or fight for watch tower and let soak bot. I love to play B’sB for one reason and that is whenever I pick Sonya or Leoric, even Varian, I soak and do camps. Totally separete the doublons from the enemy team and they would just stay at obj and won’t soak at all.
Great map for mindf*kin’ enemies.
I feel you.
Theres alot of maps. Imagine being new to the game and thrown into Bhb and other wierd maps. Can easy kill the spirit for some.
I think there should be a standard option in qm with 2-3 maps “no on the list”, and you have to decide your self if you want to have them included when queing.
I can’t stand that map either. But some people our there actualy like the map. I have been in a group with someone that did like it. Where as I liked a map he didn’t like.
I don’t get why they reworked Garden of Terror. Now it seems even more importent to get the objective (which you can’t count on people in QM to bother doing). To me it just speaks of how clueless the developers are. I would guess so it didn’t resemble what you got out of it, like dragon Shire and Volskaya Foundry. But now it’s more like Tomb of the Spider Queen and Alterac Pass