Blaze 7 talent: Incinerator Gauntlet makes your hero worse

Incinerator Gauntlets
Increase Basic Attack area by 15%, and Basic Attack damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters by 70%. Additionally, Basic Attack splashes Ignite Oil Spills.

So the first part is quite nice, AoE and creep damage makes your waveclear a lot better.

But the last part only makes your hero worse IMO. It forces you not to attack enemies while they stand in Oil Spill or you will lose the slow component, and it’s also quite easy to attack by accident. So it makes your ability to leverage the slow from unignited Oil Spill much worse.

And it’s not like that functionality is even needed. Flame Stream has a 4 second cooldown, and you can additionally ignite oil from another burning oil patch. There is never a part of playing Blaze where you go “man, I wish there was a way for me to ignite the oil right now”

So I really think they should straight up just remove the last part, and that would make the talent better. What do you think?

Whilst I can understand what your getting at I’d say no they don’t need to change this, there are plenty of heroes that have talents that whilst they add to one aspect they then “nerf” as it were another aspect so its for the player to pick the right talent for the situation and in Blaze case if you take that 7 know when its of advantage to ignite the oil and when you’d benefit from the slow.

I think the whole point of these talents is for the player to think will I get the benefit from picking it vs what the negative side brings to the talent

Yeah sure. But in most cases the loss from a talent pick comes from the missed opportunity of the talents you don’t pick at that tier. There aren’t many talents that in them self makes your hero worse.

Like there are Alarak sadism reductions talents that give you utility, at the cost of damage. Or Li Ming glass cannon, which takes away being survivable to increase damage. Both are strategic options that fit into a play style.

Just becoming worse at one thing (fighting heroes) to become slightly better at another (killing creeps) doesn’t feel like a good or intended design. Edit: It makes you sacrifice a core part of your kit, slowing people with oil.

Maybe not in same sense but there are some, like increased cd’s to gain extra dps or range etc, tracers 20 on ult, gain health back increase the cd of recall, I get they are different to the blaze 7 but I still don’t think that should justify his talent having all benefits and no drawbacks, after all they must feel its needed otherwise the talent is either to powerful on its own or makes that talent the must pick at 7?

I don’t think it will make that talent a must pick. The other level 7 talents Crossfire and Grill and Kill are still very good options.

And if it becomes OP I think a number nerf would still be better. (Like bonus damage from 70% to 50% or something)