Blizzard letting trolls to ruin HOTS

So there is this one player calling himself “TrashLeoric”.

You can probably assume what is the issue with him and yes, it is rushing behind the enemy gate and then just standing there and letting the fort kill him.

This players account is 1 YEAR OLD and he got 200+ games as Leo, with 7.4% WR.

So i am asking - why is he still able to ruin the experience for the rest of the team?

Is the report system just a joke? Blizzard is not able to recognize an obvious troll?

I am playing since Alpha and ive invested solid amout of real money into this game, so ive beend supportive enough imho.

But experiencing all of these negative things which are not being fixed even remotely is making me want to quit for good.

I would post some screenshots, but Blizz wont let me, thumbs up for this!

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Yes, they don’t care. Never did. Just don’t call “TrashLeoric” any bad words, or you might be banned instead. Huzzah!