Blizzard search now and befor from us smart and a lot improved ideas now is time!


In this topic of Kaeo Miler…

Show they search smart and a lot improved ideas from us in future…and they will speak with us in reddit this year…

So…now is time we together start think hard and to suggest at them these such ideas…
I know very well we did that from 3 years ago time…but again is time…

From these 4 years…there is a half correct Blizzard fan ideas problem!
From what i did read to now …(from 4 years)
Peoples or players or we fans not suggested alot improved or wise thoughtled ideas …yes…many times we did try out…but they are not !
Mostly of whole time…we players almost talk what are broblems…
Yes…i can admin exist and good well thoughtled ideas…but they are not enough smart and alot improved or so smart thoughled!!
This is playerbase problem…i know very well many of you will disagree with me about this point.
But if talk with Blizzard developers .they be would half agree about that. Im 100 % sure about that.

Like these in this my alt account…

I waiting you search issues in them…
I know very well…many players already say at me " its worst"…but problem is they judge himself for un mistakeble peoples and alwyas for high smart and and much more high intellected cross check with rest peoples…

First such this vers. must be tested long time and then playerbase must decide is it very good or not…

Btw cross queue or mergeing HL with TL…is good sulutione only for queue time…not about quality games…i read many such suggestione already in US forum…
But suggestione …it makes non sence both modes!
Is good old idea…like real life sport…" sportists to be transfered into other teams or difficulty leagues…

Now Blizzard work on info tool or windows to info us what is our worng actions and what is our exelent or good actuons in game cross check with all rest players or in current teams players,what is difference achieve actions or stats compared with all rest players in one same devisiones,leagues…

Yes…is so good solutione!
To finaly! :slight_smile:

The game would turn on like teacher in scool or like sport teacher!!:smiley:

But and need penalty points and rules!!
Like in.mine topic!

Yes, becaise PBMM that was based on statistics failed because the players could just spam abilities without any reason to make their stats look good and grt positive points.

They will bring it back but without an effect on ranked points and it will only point out when you die more than players on your hero usually do and stuff, its the best they can do in a game as complex as this.

The PBMM has been collecting data 8n the background for a year now and it will be based on that, its not a new tool but just an old one repurposed and probably wont be perfect but atleast it doesnt affect our rank points or encourage statpadding.

Do you know why failed this PBMM?!
If you quess right enswers i will admin you are better than me…
Yes…they will work on that…
But when you " think" about my ideas you didnt understand it because i not wirte proper english langueg and few word ls and texts maybe confuse you. But you worng so much what i try to explain at you. But you not lisent up and didnt read it corectly and start think with worng way when maybeyou maybe read all my suggested ideas. I few times try out make out you search your mistakes and understand it…buy how " stup* d doney " can understand that?!:wink:

Because people were able to statpad and get a positive adjustment and when they did the right plays of playing carefully and sitting in bushes for an ambush they got a negative one(Tested by multiple GMs and Masters) , also the launch was a disaster with displacements in HL but that was unrelated to PBMM or atleast thats what was said.

But if you know better, do tell.

Mosquitoes are annoying btw

Also, when a team is taking a bosscamp and the enemy is up, what in your opinion should the tank be doing?

“aaaand almost half right enswer…try next time”…exist more factors and problems wich failed this first try PBMM system…
what more?! :slight_smile: You.miss one more important problem…" What is this problem?!" :slight_smile:

Looks like you dont know either

Have you though about the 1v1 btw what hero would you want to play it on?