Bring back duo que to balance the games better

There is not much to write here, the title says it all. facing teams as a solo player is just horrible, and it takes the fun out of the game. Many times I often meet a 3-player team, when my team consists of 5 individual players?

If it was only possible to queue up two players, at least! the games would be more even, and fun!

right now all you see between bronze and diamond is smurfs quing up as 3 or even more players. it ruins the fun for everyone.

  1. there is no challenge for the players who queue as 3 or more, and there is no chance for the players who solo queue, at least not if you play the game casually.

What do you guys think?

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if want better balance must swap blizard emloyers… they sabotage this game.

My hamster is more clever than people who made this mmr system