Bronze 5 and gaining 26 RP per WIN

Yesterday, I played my first games this season. I won all three placement matches and was placed Bronze 5. Since then, I have a 100% win rate, and I’m gaining around 20-30 Rank Points per win.

I’m not saying I don’t deserve whatever horrible madness Blizzard has cooked up here. I’m saying that it feels unfair. And I’ve been saying that since the Alpha ended.

Well they really outdid themselves when it comes to ridiculousness this time

But at least they are not completely ignoring it

Read more about it here

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It is because bronze is huge place with enourmous playerbase. So actually you get “200” points but it looks 20. Same time Im thinking why they dont increase the tiers of bronze to imitate the real situation.

Indeed this huge problem cause we play one same spot.
Points are avarage -/+15 .
Even they fix it…and whenever come this time,we will restart play like mew fresh realised system!.
Indeed this huge problem cause we feel disapponed and sometime rage.
This whole ladder system is so f cking slow!
Try climb up through all bronze devisions will cost over 2 seasons maybe 1 year!.
This is so fcking terrible and so slow system.
Whenever was released this new mmr system…i play (circle) one same spot and cant move up!!!
I hate our humam kind,because i know to pain how we work our things in our life and game industry,always non stop with mistake way, and too late be fixed!!

SL is better this trash mode Quick Match!