Bronze/Silver/Gold helpers for ranked play

Hello everyone :slightly_smiling_face: !

I won’t use Clipper’s old “Lets Get Out Of Bronze Together” post, but it’s the same spirit…

I’m up to my fith Battlenet account - for technical reasons, now solved - and have therefore discovered the ‘joys’ of trying to climb, again and again, the lowest HotS ranks with random guys, which is…, well…, quite ‘something’ to witness if you enjoy pain up to masochistic proportions :joy:… So I thought I’ll launch another ‘message in a bottle’ here !

I’m never achieved high levels on any of my accounts up to now, but played from Bronze to Gold and my objective is to reach a rank which would allow more tactical & strategical (or micro & macro) gameplay than just brawling, slugfests at objectives and other clashes-in-the-middle-until-mutual-death. That fith account went straight to Bronze 1, before meeting a long serie of defeats which left it at Bronze 4. I’m putting an end to that slaughter now :persevere:, until I’ll have enough contacts to start playing without the fear of dreadful matches with random kamikazes (or fans of Leroy Jenkins :rofl: !)…

I’ve first played a few thousand QM in random mode, so I’m quite versatile and enjoy (almost) any hero, but I’m slightly better at tanking & healing, since team play mechanics and enabling others to play in a good (safe) environment is much more enjoyable for me than actually getting kills myself :blush:. I really thrive upon good team play , friendly people caring about others, and (at the opposite) lose a lot of my abilities when those very bases get lost in chaos - or don’t exist at all. It just makes the game completely boring (at best), unfun (usually) and depressing (at worse).

I’ve already added most of the contact info’ I’ve found here, but would be happy to meet new good willed people or motivated groups from anywhere. Anyone’s welcome, even if you’re already in a team… and if you have some interest in the game’s mechanics, it’s even better ! I’m (clearly) not just ‘playing for playing’, having fun - or trying to - and typing ‘GG’ at the end. I’d like to share about it, train (in sandbox mode), learn, improve and progress with others :slightly_smiling_face:

See you in the Nexus, hopefully :yum: !


PS : I’m a long time user of audio coordination - mainly Discord -, but found it (at this level) too often used more for (distracting) chit-chat than constructive conversations. So I won’t add mine at first and don’t ask it to anyone too. If we really go along well, I’ll (of course) be more than happy to share that …

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Hmmm, thts bad, lol
anyways, heres my B-Tag

I went up till bronze 1, before falling to the deeep sh!t of Bronze 5, where wins get u just 40 or 50 points. took a lot of time to get out of it, now at bronze 4.

Tank n Heals is all i want… I play Assassins mostly.
Add me up, i willl accept when i open B-Net.

Hope to see u in nexus

Done ! And yes, the rotting cells of Bronze 5 can take a heavy toll on anyone sanity ^^…

Anyone’s welcome as long as there a minimum of good will towards team play.

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I will add you as well :slight_smile: Main alexztrasa in ranked

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Also adding you, of coursee :stuck_out_tongue:

Great :slight_smile: ! I saw that a bit late today, but see you soon ^^…

Nice, did i play with you yet?
i played with benjamin n a few others recently.

hey i m a diamond player would like to know how bad it is in bronze i have a smurf without any ranked games yet so if you wanna play add Eragonas#1813 or this account TheDarkWolf#21143 refers to every lower tier player btw

Hello Mr Wolf :slight_smile: !
Done… I’ve added both your accounts, so see you soon and thanks for your curiosity then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: : !
Now, if you only want to experiment first hand Bronze crazyness, you’ll need to be tricky ^^, because you obviously won’t be ranked Bronze 5 after your placement matches. But I guess making extra-efforts ‘not’ to win too wildly those and then only playing in pickup should provide you with a good insight of those rotting cells :smiley: !
Honestly, it just can’t be (fully) imagined if you haven’t seen it - which I didn’t with my first accounts -… Even if you have a lot of imagination, trust me ^^…

See you in the Nexus !

you guys still playing?
i got back for this season, i almost emptied my list,
i remember deleting benjamin n scaredykat too,
coz couldnt recognize, now i see here :smiley:

well, whoever is playing, lemme know,

Bronze3 here, im a DPS player