Bye bye HOTS, this game is gone

I play since the very start of the beta, i play in a competitive team and join some tournament i really enjoyed the game . Unfortunately in all the online games , in this “historical moment” for the gaming, the matchmaking system is B R O K E N . In this game I was a Rank1 player who play into a competitive team too and i return to play the matchmaking recently for become a Silver rank (i play to rank up , i got G3 then back to S1 and so forth till i quit) . For sure we can talk about the habit and the skill, but trust me as the other players are screaming : if you still win and lose full randomly with some afk, some refuse to play, more unskilled players, verbal abuse (etc etc) , to become frustrated and don’t win\lose for your personal skills\attitude the problem is not the player himself .
To get worse, the only ban admin do are all about the chat , incredible, the real problem is the chat. Please…
To conclude, the community is very small and lack in people who play and are interested in the game, to partecipate and to win matches.
I am sorry , but i think the experience of this game is OVER. I will love this game , like the entire Blizzard , forever_

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I do share a similar background as you do. Plaed since beta, been gm and played in the too 12 cometitive scene for a while. But i did quit around 2017.

I just recently came back a few weeks ago. I was also irritatdd shen i placed bronze 1 or silver 5 initially. The worst is the quickmatch ratinf as i grt matched qith plently of new level 50 accounts!!!


  1. i have to admit that some silver/gold elo players do better then expected!!!
    Even though some decisions are still off, same as draft and macro games. But whe people can play their clmfort picks their micro can be quite decent.

  2. Appparently i preserved some skill and knowledge. I played 95% solo. Currently i have 61% winrate in storm league. Therefore im already Gold 2/1 by now after around 110 wins. It takds auite some time.

Im certain plat will soon be reached. If im diamond again im satisifed.

until blizard begin employe ppl with brain there is no chance to get better game… they employe only braindead animals