Can we please have a hero level restriction for Team league as well?

I’m really sick and tired of getting people that use team league to learn the basics of their heroes (level 1-4), when it happens you just lose the game with nothing to be done about it.


I am new to this game and I still need to level a few heroes to be able to play ranked. I agree with you about this but only for ranked.

I will not be playing ranked until I have mastered at least 5 heroes and that is my requirement.

It would make sense to be able to play only the heroes you have mastered and every other one should be locked until you master it as well.

There should be an additional requirement other than 16 available heroes at level 5 to also have at least 4-5 heroes that you specialize in at level 25 before being able to play ranked. I might be a little strict on that but when it comes to ranked I’d like to take it serious.

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Waaaaait team league has no level restrictions? You only require to have 14 heroes unlocked? Normally it would be harder siince you need a friend to take you along but now… Wow boy… smurf city.


Not 14 but 16 and they have to be level 5. And yes I meet a smurf almost every game.

Just Blizzard showing how little they care about this game. And how clueless they really about it


It does seem like it unfortunately. They amount of bugs I run into… game not searching even if everyone is ready, ready button disappearing, ready button on top of the stop searching button. I have to restart the game quite often after finishing a match.

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when I got silenced I made another account and bought the warcraft pack, spent like 50 euro on the free game so I can play tl with friends. I doubt they would implement the restrictions because then they wont be able to make money from silences.

I noticed it as well yesterday (regarding no lvl requirement to play a hero in TL) which is just weird. Personally I didn’t have any problems from this point but I can imagine it can get pretty hard in lower rank.

In my personal opinion the best way to go is to have a requirement that allows you to play ranked only if you got at least 5 heroes from each class (warrior, support, spec and assassin) at a certain lvl.

I’m even ok if the required level is still 5 but at least you’re sure that whoever is playing has other roles available and if needed can change to whatever the team needs.
Since what’s the point of getting into ranked if from 16 heroes you got 12 assassins and 4 spec??

I was mentioning this since they introduced 2/3 groups in TL. No level restrictions should apply only to full premades. Unfortunately, their priority is to get as much people to TL as possible and I am afraid that no level restrictions are one thing they use to motivate people to join it :frowning:

Singles can get into TL now. As long as you got access to 16 heroes you are good to go. The reason i find this bad is not just cause Newbies can jump in but…Anyone can make an acount and just start trolling matches on purpose.
How much times does it take to get 16 heroes?
1 investment of 15 euros or since you are low level it can vary between 1 day to 1 week of work. Depends on lootbox drops and such.
Ergo it’s not that hard to get into ranked right now and ruin people’s fun.
Wich ends up only hurting the game more…
I am legitimately surprised Blizzard oversaw this.

16 heroes? Nooo if you have one yours and the others on rotation slots , all at lvl 1, you can jump strait to TL. Dont belive me… switch servers and try

Thats what I ment XD That’s not alot of work to start trolling :open_mouth:

I assume this is only the case in bronze/silver/gold because anything past that shouldn’t have issues with hero knowledge.

I do agree though that TL requirement should be the same as HL at least unless you’re queueing with minimum 1 other person

Blockquote I do agree though that TL requirement should be the same as HL at least unless you’re queueing with minimum 1 other person

HL requirements are "stupidly " low. By the time you reach 16 heroes lvl 5 you dont even learn how to position and team fight. The game teaches you to split push from the begining to the end and only do obj if it on your side of lane.
I want to change that, be able to enter HL only they had 1 hero master from each category and (since they start HL to be without pair) be able to participate in TL after one season in HL

But hey…they need bronze players to

What, a sensible thread discussing a real issue? What’s that doing here?