Can we start perma banning accounts?

This after a ARAM of all game types and this started well before i did record it.

Valve in dota 2 likes to give those really toxic players a 1 year ban. I do think that this could also work in HOTS.

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Unacceptable that is for sure, a permaban is quite drastic though, also a 1 year ban is quite drastic.
I’d say give him a week or month away.
This kind of behaviour is clearly childish, so i would assume that it is a child sitting infront of the keyboard, giving him a weeks ban would atleast give him a tap on the shoulder, if it continues past that a month and so on.

Also it is an ARAM game, if your behaviour is bad during an ARAM game, then that KINDA confirms his age.

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If a game drives you to that level of toxicity, you need help. There are rarely consequences for this behavior and that’s why they do it. Perma-bann is probably the best that can happen to these kind of people. But of that is to drastic, atleast bann them a couple of weeks/months.

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report him and he gets silenced automaticly. The period people are silenced for, goes up the more times they get silenced
“The first time a player is silenced, their chat will be restricted for 24 hours. This duration will double for each silence penalty received after the first, and there is no maximum. This means that players who receive multiple silence penalties may find themselves unable to chat for a very long time.”

yeah but it doesn’t stop them form playing QM and griefing there. Tbh silence does nothing if you just want to mess with people in QM or ARAM