Cassia rework is an undeserved nerf

She is much weaker right now damage-wise and defense-wise. Early game she does nothing. Fend is still useless, if you don’t have anyone with cc in you party that ability will deal no damage (unless your enemy runs away in straight line and eats up entire skill cast). I am really disappointed she got a rework and Fend hasn’t been changed.

Cassia needs some sort of root or stun or at least make fend possible to cast on structures. You can still hit structures with it when you cast it on nearby minion, why not make a life a little bit easier?

Basic attack build is horrible with the short range she has and you have to wait till level 13 to increase it? That’s a joke.

Fend build can be useful or can be useless as your entire damage output is dependent on your team. If they don’t root and stun enemies for you to charge you won’t do a thing.

Lightning Fury got its damage cut in half essentially. How was that supposed to help her as a ranged assassin?

I feel the rework brought undeserved nerfs for her, she was more or less balanced in my opinion, high damage at the cost of being very susceptible to cc. Now she is still very susceptible to cc but the damage was taken away.

Her defensive options are very limited, right now. Scenarios where she excels got really reduced. Her passive is even worse. She’s not a bruiser, she’s ranged assassin, yet she is supposed to play a little bit as bruiser?

I don’t know how she is supposed to work right now. What I know is here damage got cut down by 30% all around the board. She’s not an assassin anymore. You could at least nerf her damage further, buff defenses and turn her into bruiser.

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I’ve played a few Games with Cassia now and I can’t agree more.

Her HP pool is way to low for a melee / midrange dps.

The Avoidance trait is a joke.
You need 3 sec to build it up and if you not fast enough only one auto-attack is enough to cancel the shield or after a Fend.
A Stun or Root is a death sentence.

Her Level 4 self heal talents sound nice but thats by fare not enough.

The only way to play Cassia at the moment (and not die every fight) looks for me like this:
only use Lightnig Fury, unbind Fend, duct Tape the right mous button (for Avoidance) and run from every enemy.

Cassi was never a popular or strong hero but right now she is to weak

me2 bro nerf feels bad(

I think this rework wasn’t very good. There are some things I like, like the immunity to fend and the changes to the aa build, but all the rest in my opinion is very mediocre.

Actually I prefer the Cassia before the rework. Fend build was more risky but it feel more rewarded if well used in team fights. It did a lot more damage than now.

Ball lightning is also such a useless ultimate. So easy to interrupt and the damage so low.

Then I have to say I have the same opinion in all the points you comment here.

I think blizz was afraid to make real changes to Cassia because they were not sure if after it would be a disaster.

In my opinion they should sit in the round table and make it right once and for all and stop playing making some changes here and there and hope it will be enough.

Cassia before rework dealt much more dps and had more survivability AND THAT’S A FACT Blizzard.