Changes to item pick ups from camps

Have the dev team considered altering how the items u pick up from camp on hanamura and volskya work? It seems that any game I have played on these maps a player will spend the time doing the camp. cap it and then run off leaving the item sitting there on the ground. Now I get that sometimes you can find you need to change priority and go help in team fight or such but most of the times I see it happen this isn’t the case they just simply think capping the camp is all they need to do.

I understand that the idea is the camp can be contested and it allows for the stealing of the item but if 1 side has cappd it then could they just not get the item (placed on hero who caps) and maybe only put item on floor if hero who caps has item already? I don’t know if players at higher lvl have this issue but I swear either people at lvl I am are either ignorant to the game mechanics or are trolling.

Maybe there are other ways to help teach the players they need to collect the item once camp is taken? or to show them that an item is sitting on the floor at camp they just spent 2 minutes attacking

I believe its a really really simple concept… if some mindless people do not pick it up, it shouldnt change the whole idea.

Also if the person with the item dies, the item is dropped. in that case, whoever comes near the item automatically picks it? that what you will suggest?

Coz otherwise, we are back to square one, and item there on the lane, waiting to be CLICKED to be PICKED :slight_smile:

No once the initial item pickup from camp capture has happened any dropped items from a player death would place item on ground as it does now, Im just on about the initial time as it currently sits if I get a game on these 2 maps then chances are someone will take camp and just leave the item like they don’t even realize they are ament to pick it up…

Perhaps they can find a way of making it more obvious then? the xp orbs were added to make it so players would understand the value of xp in lanes better as they would need to decide to either collect the orbs or give them up, so whilst experienced players would now about xp in lanes it helps newer or lower lvl players understand the mechanics better which I think is the issue with these camps. the players I am currently getting grpd with be it either new or of a lower skill lvl just don’t realize they have to pick the item up so I was just wondering if the devs have thought of ways of helping them realize this