Unable to Connect to Heroes of the Storm
Most of the troubleshooting for this problem is identical to the Disconnections while playing Heroes of the Storm article. In addition to the troubleshooting at this link, you can try these steps:
1. Ensure that you are using the correct email/password/authenticator combination.
2. Check the region and account on the Blizzard Application. To do this, look at the drop down menu above the play button. Make sure you have the correct region and account selected.
3. If your game is not fully patched, it may not run properly. Launch the Blizzard App to check for any updates or patches. Make sure to wait for the game to completely finish patching before clicking play.
4. Missing or corrupted game files can also cause connection issues. Run the repair tool to check for these problems.
5. [Windows only] There may be modifications to your Windows Hosts File which can prevent game login. If you do find modifications to this file and you did not make the changes yourself, run virus and malware scans on your computer.
6. Account permission problems can cause you to be unable to log in to the game. Try creating and logging in to a new Administrator account. If this works, it means your old account’s permissions are broken. You can contact Microsoft for assistance repairing the old account, or move your files to the new account.
7. If none of these solves the issue, uninstall and reinstall the game.