Custom controls, mapping left-click and scroll-wheel

I use left click for moving the game field camera because it’s easier to do than middle-mouse and it makes perfect sense to this game.
I also use the scroll up and scroll down for the mousewheel for commands.

Neither of this is possible natively in HotS so I have to use a third-party mouse program and it’s inconvenient when browsing or such because left-click is on the middle-mouse.

There’s no reason that mouse-scroll can’t be mapped. It’s a very fast button and zooming in and out is a worthless command. Also the left-click is worthless in HotS as it only targets and I never use that myself even though I suppose you could target and then push the button for usage. I don’t know if you can do it like that but it would be half the speed since you have to push two buttons and I believe it doesn’t even work like that cause it’s all aiming.

It should be possible to map these keys.