Deleting this Games FOREVER . Bug abuse, exploits

Bug abuse, exploit, matchmaking vs 5 men teams.Nothing will be done .
Deleting this dota2 clone of ensage2 application FOREVER.

First of all- the report system system is not perfect or even that useful tbh. Second- I’m not familiar with any kind of bug abuse or exploits. Third- you’re telling me you can’t be matched up with 5 men teams in dota??? And fourth- how is it a dota clone when it’s so frickin different from other mobas?

Also DotA is much more complex for comparison it’s like comparing a bicycle to a car.Hots is the simplified moba for casual moba players while DotA is for hardcore sleep on keyboard kind of types skill ceiling is much bigger in DotA.

As a former Dota 2 player I highly disagree

Everything just felt slow over in Dota 2

If anything it was actually easier

Being able to memorize the basics and how items work with heroes may have made it seem a bit more complicated than the talent system we have in Heroes of the Storm

But the reality is that the fast paced action here that rewards quick thinking actually makes Heroes of the Storm the more complex one

You have to actually be gifted to win here

In Dota 2 if any one of the carry heroes got their endgame level items they often rampage and kill ALL FIVE HEROES on the enemy team MULTIPLE TIMES until the game ends

And a lot of games go on for more than an hour there!

That may have been fun for the one person doing it but it was hardly fair

And you can also get banned just for being reported without having done anything wrong

Reports are actually valid for simply being having a bad day in the game or not picking the hero your team wanted you to pick

Or for just not doing every little thing they wanted you to do

And I read that Riot Games also suspends people from League of Legends just for not following their idea of a “meta”

In Heroes of the Storm there is no such nonsense

You often only get punished if you did something that broke the written rules

And that’s why I love it

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Well friend maybe your opinion :blush: I had a hard time understanding DotA how it works Im too idiotic for that game I literally don’t understand anything in DotA while in hots it’s easier for me you have no builds you have no courier system and no confusing laneing phases and no creep denying so yea DotA is more complex for me to understand.I don’t even understand what roles in DotA do I got yelled by a Russian guy in DotA that he is going to kill me so no I’m not returning to that complicated game.Hots is much easier and a superior game so I agree to disagree with your opinion.

Well, U, n my frend Xylord both r correct in their own way,

Actually, (now lemme jump in too :smiley:), actually, Dota skill-floor is a bit higher than hots, but skill-ceiling for hots is higher than dota i believe

To learn to play enough to hav fun = Hots is more easy , coz dota has many options.

But to master it, to play hots keeping in mind the game mechanics, the talent build adjustmnt with comparison to wht enemy hero is there, n wht enemy hero picked wht, , all tht makes hots way more tough

Also, the BIGGEST difference between Dota n Hots = HOTS is a PURE TEAM GAME.

In dota, like my frend Xylord said, one guy who is good, can farm n get his things n then 1v5 the enemy team over n over again.

in HOTS, 1v5 needs skills, n u cant do it otherwise.
Also, in hots, the levels up for whole team, if one guy is falling behind xp, all r effected


You hit the nail right on the head

This is exactly correct