Diamond healer looking for team


I would like to find at least 1-2 people to play ranked and unranked with. Iโ€™m mainly playing healers and enjoy the game the most when being able to support someone whose playstyle I know and who knows that they can trust their healer. :slight_smile: Iโ€™m mid Diamond in rank atm and playing most of the days (evenings and weekends). So please let me know if you want to team up and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

BR, Olivia

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Play mainly QM/brawl nowadays, Master for 6 seasons. I find the quality of games in solo Q quite bad, so if youโ€™re up for it we can Q some together. I play after work in the evening. If interested add Johns#2621, EU server.

I recently went back to ranked games and have been finding much enjoyment from it. I mostly play tanks, right now Iโ€™m sitting around Diamond 3. Sure would be nice to have a healer to pair up with.

My BatttleTag is MrJeanDoudou#2131 , I usually have plenty of free time to play.

Hi! I was a humble platinum for 2 seasons, if any of you guys are up for QM, ranked or whatever then you are more than welcome to add me, devall#2329

Fingolfin 2218 hit me up if u guys wanna play seriously.