Diamond/Master players

So… I read in patch notes that Master players can only queue up with other master players. and For high master players its understandable. But for example for low Masters and high diamonds… seems weird?
Like I’m playing in a party with a friend who is one rank down. I reach master he reaches D1 or D2 or smth and suddenly we cant play together cuz i have 10 mastery Rank points?
Or how will it work with that? Any ideas?

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the dumb thing about this is u can be master playing solo and get diamond 4 playing solo (yesterday I saw it on America server)
so u cant be able to play with diamond 1 friends but u will get even plats like the whole last season
some serious improvements


Everytime you think Blizzard cant possibly mess up games like this or D3 anymore they surpise anal you with ideas like this^^

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I had to play this season in most games against smurfs. There were only a few matches, that they were in my team. I finished this today. After each match I watched the winrate of enemies. They had over 60 or 70% winrate with low level accounts. It was the most time a stomp. Even if I had them most in my team it would not be fun.
D3 was sh… but that Hots season is like diarrhea.

Yes it is not very good in game design. Smurfs are the problem because they are ranked too low. I mean master main makes account and it will be silver or gold. That account will have over 60 % wr and will carry every game from gold to master. Thing is that account is falsely ranked and it can be used even in groups to destroy mmr all over the places.

Everytime I got good winstreak I start to face groups of party without party and losing to balance the wr.