Does Qhira decays in late game?

I’m real fan of this hero and I have several games played with her.

But I’m a little concerned because I have the impression she decays in late game when strong team fights happen in that kind of explosion where everyone drops everything what they have.

If I would play ranked games I know which heroes are very solid and strong, and which are more or less volatile, and Qhira belongs to the group of not reliable Hero to win ranked games.

To have fun, to play competitive yes, but to play for win, no. To play for win I would always pick something else.

I believe she needs only a touch in late game. Maybe some more damage… I don’t know.

But this is only my impression and thought sometimes after compare and evaluate: damage, contributed experience, kills, death, assistance and the risks this hero has to go through.

Without extend myself I will compare her with Li-ming. Li-ming is for me the perfect hero. Incredible damage, incredible talents, has very good mobility and flee abilities, and I can do easily 100k damage as average.

If I want to play to win and destroy everything and everyone without mercy and put pressure to the point to don’t let breath I would pick Li-ming.

What do you think? Needs Qhira a touch of love?

“but qhira is op champ blizz plz nerf her or delete her E is sooo brokne blizz”

Blizzard is racist and won’t buff obsolete qhira. Wakanda foreva.