Easier way to report premades in QM

Reporting needs to be made easier with 1 report button and 1 description for all the enemy players.

explain to me why would you report players in premaids? And even then- what would you write in the report? Maybe you are frustrated but playing with friends isn’t against the rules


Matchmaking is currently matching up solo qued players against full premades most of the times its 5 random people vs a team of competitive rejects who have specifically locked up heroes that sync too well

It’s also matching 5x 5-time diamond players with a combined level of 5k+, against lv 10 players. QM sadly lacks any reason in its matchmaking

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Well that happens because there is a lack of players and it matches noobs with pros and MMR is broken in ranked.

So people shouldn’t be allowed to play with their friends, or use the xp bonus for playing with friends/in a group? The problem isn’t that people do it. The problem is Blizzards horrible matchmaking system. They did change it so you couldn’t see the opponents premade. That can only be, so we can’t complain when we get match up vs premades. Which just shows what a scummy company Blizzard has become

Forced matchmaking is the way to go. The game has instant queues and if you forced 5man to only play against another 5man you would get 5 minute queues? Still really really fast.
Atleast it would be fair then but thats not blizzard agenda.

let’s be real- even when not playing with premades, team comps are an absolute joke. I bet a lot of the time people think they got to play against premades but in reality you got stomped because the you got a bruiser while they got a main tank or both didn’t have healer but their abathur just filled that role.

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Yeah, that part of the mm system has been a joke. I remember once, where my team was like 4 healers and a tank. Or something like that. The opponents. The opponents had 1 tank, 3 dps and 1 healer. This was back when you could see if the opponents had pre-made teams. The opponents had a 2 man team of a dps and a healer. The game could have put those on my team, making it a 1 tank, 3 healers 1 dps, vs 1 tank, vs 2 dps 2 healers. Or something like that. But the garbage of a system that Blizzard designed, didn’t do that. We couldn’t do anything because we didn’t have any dps, even though i specc’ed healing. The game is designed by people or run by clueless people that shouldn’t be in the gaming industry. I pretty much stopped playing QM due to how ridicules the team setups can be

lol bro u sound noob af. you should try vs ai then u can win vs a pre made lolz