[EU] LF Mature ppl to play with and make friends!

Hi! As the title says im looking for mature and fun ppl to play with and make friends. Im 34 and from sweden myself and looking for mature and relaxed players to play the game with pref daily. I play Tank/warrior as main role. Im plat 5 in TL but I mostly play QM and UR. Add me on bnet if this sounds interesting: Jko#21653

Hey, I am also from Sweden and I added you earlier. I was planing to get back into the game again.

I used to play alot of warrior or support

Hey my friend and I play of bot games and we’re looking to get involved in some rank/unranked games. We’re both decent and are willing to play whatever class that is necessary for the team. Please reply ASAP we are typically late night gamers so we are on from 8pm to 2am MT

Hej, I am from Sweden, too. :smiley: It would be nice to make friends and play together. I only play in QM mainly as a healer, and now I’ve started training on Kael. :sweat_smile: My ID is Dracia#21483

Hi this post is old but im active in the game atm. Tanchorman seems your are NA players Im in the EU. And Hi Dracia I added you!

Hi, From the Netherlands, but just sent you a friend request :slight_smile: Hopefully ur still playin