Explain how your MM system works Blizzard

So 3 weeks ago I played with my friend through 3 placement matches, we won 2 games and he got Silver 5 but I am Bronze 5. Where’s any logic in this?
Now I’m stuck in this sh!thole because players here are pure garbage (what a surprise). Every time I get remotely close to Bronze 4 I’m getting all kind of mutants afking all the time, arguing in chat in the middle of a fight, picking “1st time” heroes and so on. The only chance to get out of this pit is premade of 5 players and sadly I don’t have this much friends playing this game.
What is this, Blizzard? Sometimes it feels like this whole game is just a big April fool’s joke that you forgot to remove from your launcher.

Well to start I think they made it so you cant place higher then silver for 1st time placement anyway, and then you have to take into account if you played any games before hand, so if its got no mmr of any sort to determine your skill lvl then you going to get placed at bottom (I think, sorry if I’m wrong)

If this is the case then your 1st placements were always going to place you low silver or bronze, but as you now see getting out of those ranks is a nightmare because 90% of time your stuck with players who are really bad at the game or just don’t care so only skilled players of higher lvl can carry a match and win it.

All I can suggest is keep slogging away and hope you can climb a lvl or 2 a day (tho you might drop a bit following day) then up again a few next etc so you will slowly climb if your skill is higher then those your with/against

You are right, everyone in bronze sucks and therefore it is the easiest bracket to climb. Should be no problem if you got any skill