Fix or Tweak Quick Match-Making Algorithm

Queued up to play with my friend who is new at the game. Our team is Imperius, Mal’Ganis, Genji, Kharazim, Medivh. Enemy team is Tyrande, Varian, Abathur, Jaina, Li Ming.

As you may be able to tell, the enemy team has a lot more waveclear and is a better comp for this map overall. They have the kind of comp that my team needs to hard outplay to get anything done. Even if we outplay, we still would struggle to accomplish a win.

I see these scenarios a lot in Quick Match, where one team directly counters the other. I understand that matchups like this may be due to abathur having a high pick rate in quick match, or maybe even due to queue time reduction.

However, it’s not fun for the countered team. Also, the Tyrande was an obvious smurf (spraying, B-stepping, hitting owls from across the map with little to no vision at player level 30) but that’s beside the point.

Please fix or tweak the quick match match-making system. I see these scenarios way too often and it creates a culture of being a slave to the match-making system, because that will ultimately decide (or help decide) who wins the game. At least provide both teams with solid waveclear and solid teamfight and map presence. If you can’t, then take both of those things from both teams.


I honestly don’t see where you get the argument that the enemy team counters your team as both Jaina and Li-ming despite their wave clear should mostly stay together with the rest of their team for fights and with the lack of frontline on their team Abathur is mostly forced to go with a carapace build wich greatly reduces his pushing power, Varian is easily punished by Imperius because he is easily predictable to be stunned and finally Tyrande does not have enough sustain healing during the early game to keep up with the backline getting dived by a Genji and Varian being the only frontline to oppose Imperius and Mal’ganis

rank system is a lot more worse than qm… qm or aram I played more draw matches than rank…

blizzard parasites developers doing everyting to make every one match unbalance…
Or you winning 45:2 or losing 2:45…

If you hate this game and Blizzard this much why don’t you just leave, there’s nothing stopping you from leaving as you clearly just don’t have anything left here.

Attacking a dev team of around 10 people because you had a bad game once is not worth it when you can just move to any other moba as they’re also free and are filled with other people who share your thoughts

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