For one more time,Please HoTS team devs,fix these damn Bronze 5 mmr points!

Why you work so slow?!
This issue is from half year.
Come oon…
None can go through Bronze 5 with 16,5 mmr points.

How do you possibly get into Bronze 5 thats the question

he is right…and even this now current from over half year mmr system is bad too.
Long time ago i did suggest to them different points system…
“but noo,HoTS team are smart peoples” bullsh*t…
And thats right…with reason you lose so many money and developers peoples…you deserve that!.

Honestly you probably don’t want to hear it, but the reason you can’t get out of Bronze 5 is because you don’t play good enough. I can imagine that it must be frustrating to be stuck at the lowest level and only gain so few points, but the truth is if you have a winning streak you will get more and more points, and after you reach Bronze 4 you will get an average of the normal 190-210 points per win.

Imagine Bronze 5 as a much broader spectrum of skill, they shared it in an article last summer.

All you have to do to get out of it is to improve so you can win. If you are showing dedication and willpower I’m sure you can do it!

Try to watch some streamers (Grubby does great educational HotS streams, he streams it all day long on Wednesdays and sometimes on other days too. KyleFergusson also explains what is happening very well in his streams, you can find them both on Twitch) and some high level play on Youtube (Khaldor has casted many great games over the past months of high level play) maybe watch your own replays and only focus on what you did wrong. Don’t focus on your allies’ mistakes and if they flame you or play bad do not flame them back! Just ignore or simply mute them. GL & HF :slight_smile:

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