Gabriel Tosh from StarCraft 2

I always wanted for them to make this character into a hots hero.He would be an assassin just like Nova except he’s going to be a Spectre instead of a ghost he’s going to glow redish when he is stealththed unlike Nova blue colour.

-Q is going to be called specter strike:he would shot a red Lazer for a second through his gun similar to nova but he Can only shoot facing straight forward.

-W is going to be called Terazine he shoots red gas cloud from his rifle that exposes other stealth units in an area and does alot of dmg to minions will be a talent to make it stronger in order to be good at farming mercenaries.

E-Will be 3 separate Spectre clones in one direction like Nova but they disperse in 3 seconds and red again.

R-Could be who you gonna call:he launches a nuke that has the same range as a warhead map one good for teamfights and destroying structures mainly.

That is all the ideas I have for now how do you like the idea so far guys?.


I think that his kit is way to much like Novas and because of that blizz wouldn’t consider it. We have seen this with Zerathul and Maiev- Maievs kit was very similar in wc3 to Zerathuls HOTS kit and as you can see they made Maiev completely different.

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You make a good point but still would be a dream if they added him in game would play him just as much as my main Nova.