Game is good, I like

It’s just really nice to see this game still going strong with updates and balancing, still the most enjoyable moba out there imo.


I don’t know what you mean- the game rarely gets any updates and actual content gets released only like 2 times in a year.

This might just be a troll post, in which case I got baited

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Updates that come out with bugs that requires heroes to be suspended.
Zero content for months on end.
Zero about Heroes in Blizzcon.
Esports dead.

What are you talking about?
This game is on maintenance mode and my guess is, one day it will be shutdown. Let’s see how much Blizzard needs to pay to the state of California to get rid of the charges.

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*looks at OP
*looks away

I agree that Hots is one of the most fun mobas out there because of it’s easy to understand talent system and it’s lack of a true laning phase with shared team exp making it easier to learn the base mechanics while also being harder to master since said lack of items forces you to be more knowing of the damage you take and deal making small mistakes not outright kill you while still being punished for making larger ones.

And then there’s the problems wich are not the same as you might think wich are that the obvious lack of updates and the lack of balance with teams in several modes isn’t actually the devs fault it’s Blizzards fault not giving the game the needed size of the dev team required to sustain a moba as complex as Hots, an extension to this is also that the balancing is mostly about the winrate of each hero instead of how they are in actual games.

And then we have the toxicity and the general lack of advertising around the game making the growth of the playerbase extreamly slow and that more and more people are quitting the game for various reasons (cough cough the current state of blizzard) making the only people left the people who really loves the game as much as I do and the toxic players that says all day about how good they think they are when they are not good at all while complaining about how bad the game and the balance is while still refusing to jump to another moba where their way to play is encouraged.

After all that I’ve said it may be hard to belive it is that I love Hots and I always will but not even I can ignore what has happened to this community and the state of the game during the 4 years I’ve played this game.