Haunted Mines Return

The introduction of Deathwing on the PTR encouraged me to go onto the PTR to have a try of what HotS is like with the destroyer of worlds in it. I had a lot of fun as tracer :stuck_out_tongue:
Since Quick match search times were 6 to 10 minutes long, there were frequently custom matches being made, of which I would occasionally join to see the classic Deathwing being shredded by Greymane, Tychus, and Malthael jazz.
One thing I noticed was that Haunted Mines would be chosen as the map to play on, and I won’t lie it was a lot of fun to try out the map after so long and see just how different it feels since I last played it many moons ago, when I was much less aware of map mechanics and hero playstyles/strategies.
I’m not asking for a full map rework, since I saw just how flawed the map can be in certain hands, but maybe if it was just re-added to the Quick Match map pool on live servers, it would be great !! It’s loads of fun trying out the map after so long, and I’m sure it’ll have the same “I member” effect on others as it did to me. Plus, who knows ? It can strike up a dialogue between the developers and the community to discuss what can be changed on the map to make it more fair and balanced and maybe it’ll see a proper grand return as an official map that can be played on competitively !
One can dream :slight_smile:


What if they add it as a Nexus Anomaly ? It would be a smooth “live ptr” where we could say out opinions just as @Chi179 said.