Haunted Mines - When will this come back to QM and SL

So I’ve come back to hero’s after a long brake and jumped right into Storm League. But one thing that haunts me and I believe a lot of players will most likely miss. Is good ol Haunted Mines.

Of all the maps available, it seems that everything is on rotation excluding Haunted Mines.
Why is this?
Will we see an return of the Raven Lords / Grave Keepers, contested mines?
Will players be able to rise the Golems and defeat their opponents as they compete for greatness in the Nexus?

Please tell us your thoughts, plans, and hopes.



I really do hope that they will bring back Haunted Mines, truly.

I know that they have removed it because of deathwing’s fly was being bugged, but also it was funny to see that you were using Hyperion under the mine tho :slight_smile:


Heya Rosaniya,

I honestly never thought about Deathwing and his flying been a bug before, really interesting and good to know.

That would explain it and I see why that maybe an issue of sorts :smiley:

With that in mind, I don’t see why they could not simply making it an area that you simply could not land in.

But then again im no developer so how hard that maybe, i’m not sure. Always easier said than done.

Thank you again!

haunted mines was so much more fun than hanamura, the worst map ever made.

Never bring back this garbage. Also BHB needs to be removed

Haunted mines are good and bad at the same time. It’s outdated and blizz does not care.

Haubtef mines and black heart bay were so much fun, as they were quite unique compaired to other maps. But yeah i do remebe that thise 2 were also tougher to balance.

Haubtef mines was removed for a specific reason , thst i dont recall. Others in this forum.mention deathwing. But i think the removal was earlier then that.